November 22, 2013

finally, friday

Some of the things I miss from my trip to Japan last year are the excellent on-the-go food options. At major train stations they have little shops that sell bento boxes full of goodies, and vending machines and konbini (convenience) stores everywhere that sell drinks and snacks. Besides being able to get food or drink basically almost anywhere, an added perk is being able to get the drinks hot or cold. There were many times I got a hot milk tea from the vending machine and took it on the train with my onigiri to the next destination. In doing so, I got to try various brands of milk tea and some definitely stood out as superior to the others. I haven't been able to find a good, ready-made one here in the states, until recently. I tried this one (pictured above) and it's pretty good, though not quite up to par with the ones in Japan, but it comes close. Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

If you're in your late twenties, or have been there, you'll definitely get this.

Beauty is absolutely in the eye of the beholder, and most times, we are our worst critic.

Just a reminder of how wonderful our Creator is.

Need a tablet case? Here are a few cute DIY's to consider.

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