September 25, 2013

goodbye summer, hello fall

Swellas Fall 2013 Collection

Summer is always my favorite season not just for the obvious warm weather, but the summer fruit and veggies, outdoor grilling and dining, and light, loose clothing. I'm so glad the Bay Area has an Indian Summer to ease me into Fall- what can I say, I thrive on warm weather. But as we get further and further into the Fall season, and as the weather changes, I always get excited to bring out my Fall wardrobe. Slouchy sweaters, buttery leather boots, cozy hats, and tailored, but not too stuffy coats. That being said, it was the perfect time for a good friend of mine to launch her new outerwear company, Swellas.

Swellas is not just another brand that makes jackets and outerwear, it's a brand that is striving to make people's lives healthier and happier. For every piece you purchase from Swellas, it donates a jacket to someone in need, a donation to fund clean water, and a donation to build sustainable food systems. How awesome is that? You get a jacket or vest you likely needed for the chilly weather ahead, and also give to people who are in need.

It doesn't end there.

One of the coolest things about their products is they use remnants from fabric that would otherwise get dumped in a landfill somewhere. That means you get a super unique jacket, and help to save the environment. Talk about bang for your buck! I couldn't have felt better about my purchase and am now a happy owner of a bright cherry red vest.

Check out their story and all the amazing clothes here. All the best to the Swellas team!

With the lovely founder and designer, Ann

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