September 11, 2013

fun with friends pt. 1

Wilfred Free jacket, Free People tank, Madewell denim, Converse

Having creative friends is a definite plus. I recently did a collaboration with Marie, who is photographer and makeup artist all wrapped up into one. It was fun getting my makeup done for a change (instead of doing it myself, like always) and afterward modeling for her. I wore a tank from Free People which has a unique cut and minimalist vibe; I love it so much that I have it in black too. I also finally captured this casual, sporty jacket that is sure to make more appearances throughout the Fall and Winter seasons. It's been the perfect lightweight coverup needed for summer nights and I envision it being ideal for layering in the cooler months ahead.

I asked Marie a series of questions related to photography so keep reading below, and stay tuned for next week when we get a little more personal with her. Or, if you can't wait, check out her blog.

Introduce yourself.

My name is Marie. I love fashion, make-up, travel, photography, my son and my beagle. You can read about all of those things on my blog.

What camera do you use?

I am a Canon diehard. I have owned 11 Canon cameras (films and digital - all different levels). My current camera is a Canon EOS 7D, but someday when I get the budget for it I would love to get my hands on a 5D mark III.

Name a place you would love to go for vacation and photograph.

I've always wanted to go to Spain. I'm not exactly sure where exactly in Spain, but I have great photos from various trips to other countries in Europe, and I always regret not taking more photos. I would go everywhere that I have already been to again and again to constantly discover and re-discover beauty. A few other places I haven't been to yet that would be on my list include Costa Rica, Belize, and Brazil.

What is your favorite thing about photography?

My favorite thing is to be able to capture a fleeting moment. With a camera you can do this and preserve the memory of something that happens one time. When my son was born, the importance of this took on a whole different meaning for me. Also, I feel grateful to my subjects who are giving me the gift of really allowing me to "see" them. The view through my lens is the way I share with others what I see.

Any tips you can give on photography to a beginner or the experienced?

Shoot all the time. It's the only way to learn and develop your eye.

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